Excerpt from Elizabeth Vander Zaag “Digit Logic Lecture”. Originally broadcast March 11, 1980. 2:50 min. Produced by John Anderson The GINA Show, Season 2, Episode 21. Courtesy of the artist and the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, The University of British Columbia.
Elizabeth Vander Zaag began working with computers very early in her career. For “Digit”, she made a series of early digital animations, manipulating the hardware of early computers to create a series of episodes about a female digital protagonist. Often playing on the humorous, Vander Zaag is one of two artists behind the site cougerdate.com, see: cougardate.com/cougar/default.html
The “Digit Logic Lecture” is an unanimated episode of the “Digit” series, recorded on a week when Vander Zaag was unable to access the computer to create a new work.
Biographical information about Vander Zaag can be found here: fondation-langlois.org/html/e/page.php?NumPage=256